Culture and
Climate Change


Culture and Climate Change is a framework for a series of research and public engagement projects on climate change initiated by Renata Tyszczuk (Architecture, University of Sheffield) and Joe Smith (RGS-IBG, formerly Open University, Geography). These projects include: Interdependence Day (ESRC, NERC 2005 – 2012), Earth in Vision (AHRC, 2013-2017), Stories of Change (AHRC, 2014-2018), Provisional Cities (British Academy, 2013-2018) and Collective Scenarios (Leverhulme Trust 2019-2022). A trio of events and related publications held on this website (Recordings, Narratives and Scenarios) have been developed with Robert Butler (Geography, The Open University), and supported by arts producers Vicky Long and Hannah Bird.

Our work has been supported by UK research councils, including the AHRC, ESRC and NERC, the British Academy and the Leverhulme Trust. Other support has come from the Open University Open Space Research Centre, The University of Sheffield School of Architecture, the Frederick Soddy Trust, the Ashden Trust, the Jerwood Charitable Foundation and the Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures. It has also been supported by pro-bono contributions of time and other forms of support from its wide body of contributors and institutional partners, including the new economics foundation (nef), TippingPoint, Arts Admin and Free Word.

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